School Opens New Clinic

We are glad to announce the opening of our homeopathy clinic on the campus. Shri G.K. Choksi inaugurated the clinic. He is the founder of the largest homeopathy clinic chain- Anubhuti Homeopathy in Gujarat. The other dignitaries present at the inauguration were Mrs ShefaliChoksi, Mr MananChoksi (Executive Director of BSFC), Mrs Villoo Parikh, Director, Mr Pranav Pandya, Administrative Manager and Ms AmoliPatell, Vice-Principal of the school.

The safe and side-effect free Homeopathy medicines shall be provided free of cost to the students as well as the staff. A certified doctor shall be available on the campus during the school hours. Parents can also avail the facility by paying a nominal charge.

Apart from the regular cough and cold medicines, children will be given medication for physiological ailments, psychosomatic diseases like bed-wetting, separation anxiety, attention deficiency disorder etc. As the clinic is in school, children can continue their treatment for a more extended period.